Draw a draggable line chart in Angular with Chart.js

Wendee 💜🍕
2 min readJun 28, 2023


The two icons in the middle are generated by hotpot.ai using chartjs’ and Angular’s logos

There is a chartjs-plugin-dragdata that enables dragging items in the chart. However, it is not working in my Angular project so I decided to achieve the same functionality manually.

This is how the result looks like:

Our plan

I want to click to select a point then start dragging it. As we know,

Drag = mouseDown -> mouseMove -> mouseUp

Hence, the interaction should be:

Let’s code

🥇Step 1. Create a line chart

We first create a <canvas> with a template variable #chartCanvas. Template variables enable us to get reference to the html element.

With the template variable, we can get the element using @ViewChild. The element reference exists after Angular initializes the component’s views and child views, which is AfterViewInit. (Read more about Angular lifecycle hooks here)

In ngAfterViewInit, we will create the line chart with an onClick event, determining which point is now selected. Also, the chart will listen to onMouseDown and onMouseUp. These two mouseEvents will decide when to enable the onMouseMove event 🐁

🥈Step 2. Set active points in onClick and register events

Referencing the solution provided here, our final .ts file will be:

And yeah, that’s all 🥳

💬 If you do not want to use getRelativePosition function from chart.js/helpers, you can simply pass e.offsetY to the map function:

var yValue = this.map(e.offsetY, chartArea.bottom, chartArea.top, yAxis.min, yAxis.max);

because mouseEvent’s offsetY is the offset in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node 🧡



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