精實畫布 Lean Canvas

Wendee 💜🍕
4 min readJan 6, 2020


Lean canvas is a 1-page business plan template helping people deconstruct their ideas into its key assumptions.

每次上創業相關的課做點子發想時,教授一定會要我們畫出 Business Model Canvas(我每次畫一畫都發現缺少好多元素,創業真的好難 Q)

而它就是這次李欣分享的 Lean Canvas 的前身,由於 Business Model Canvas 比較適合讓「已經成立的公司」清楚他們在產業中的定位,對比隨著市場快速改變而起的新創公司,Startup team 注重的比較會是創業點子可不可行 (What is the problem? How can we solve it?) 所以就有人做出了相對應的 Lean canvas:

Lean Canvas (image from https://railsware.com/blog/lean-canvas-a-tool-your-startup-needs-instead-of-a-business-plan/)

可以發現到, Lean Canvas 把 Business Model Canvas 裡比較企業術語的部分做了調整,變得適合團隊用口語化的方式介紹創業想法(Product centric):

Business Model Canvas vs Lean Canvas (image from https://railsware.com/blog/lean-canvas-a-tool-your-startup-needs-instead-of-a-business-plan/)

在繪製時,團隊首先需要把創業點子填進Canvas,接著把圖上的區塊拼湊出以下的 Statement 來檢視當中的邏輯是否合理,覺得句子很奇怪就表示對應區塊需要再做調整 (或是這個點子可能真的不可行 o_o )

We will help these people (customer segments) to solve (problem) by providing them (solution).

They will know about us through (channels) and they will be convinced to join us because (value proposition) and because we already (unfair advantage)

We will charge them by (revenue) and we believe this will cover our (costs).

We will measure our performance by tracking (key metrics).

可以參考看看 facebook, Google, Amazon…這些公司如果當初畫 Lean Canvas的話會長什麼樣子:Lean Canvas Examples of Multi-Billion Startups

另外,不管是Business Model Canvas 或是 Lean Canvas,兩者繪製的時候都可以用 Business Model Environment 來作輔助:

image from https://www.strategyzer.com/blog/posts/2015/10/14/how-to-scan-through-your-environments-disruptive-threats-and-opportunities





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